Economics Seminars

For upcoming seminars, click on the following calendar:  upcoming seminars. Contact seminar assistants, below, with questions regarding seminars.

Microeconomics Theory

ECON 208: Monday | 597 Evans Hall | 4 - 6PM

Economic History

ECON 211: Monday | 639 Evans Hall | 2 - 4PM

Political Economy

ECON 216: Monday | 639 Evans Hall | 12:30 - 2PM

Risk Management

ECON 217: Friday | 639 Evans Hall | 1 - 3PM

Psychology and Economics Seminar

ECON 218: Tuesday | 648 Evans Hall | 2 - 3:30PM

Industrial Organization

ECON 221: Tuesday | N470 Chou Hall (Haas)| 12:30 - 2 PM

Public Finance Seminar

Econ 231: Monday | 648 Evans Hall | 2 - 3:30PM

Financial Economics Seminar

ECON 235: Thursday | 648 Evans Hall | 12:30 - 2PM

Macro/Money Economics

ECON 237: Tuesday | 597 Evans Hall | 4 - 6PM


ECON 242: Thursday | 648 Evans Hall | 4 - 5:30PM

Labor Economics

ECON 251: Thursday | 648 Evans Hall | 2 - 4:00PM

Development and Planning

ECON 271: Monday | 648 Evans Hall | 4 - 6PM

International Trade & Finance

ECON 281: Tuesday | 597 Evans Hall | 2 - 3:30 PM

Oliver E. Williamson Seminar on Institutional Analysis

Thursday | 125 Cheit Hall | 12:30 - 2 p.m.

Department Seminar

ECON 291: Wednesday | 648 Evans Hall | 12:10 - 1PM

Survey of Research in Economics

ECON 295: Monday | 597 Evans Hall | 12 - 2:00PM

Labor Lunch Series

Center for Labor Economics: Friday | 648 Evans Hall | 12 - 1:00PM

Finance Lunch

Financial Economics Seminar: Thursday | 597 Evans Hall | 12:45 - 2:00pm

Development Lunch Series

Development and Planning: Tuesday | 648 Evans Hall | 12:30 - 1:30PM

Job Market Seminars

Schedule varies, 648 Evans Hall

Macro Lunch Series

Macro Lunch: Tuesday | 597 Evans Hall | 12:00 - 1:00PM

Trade Lunch Series

Trade Lunch: Monday | 648 Evans Hall | 11:30 - 12:30PM

Contact seminar assistants with questions regarding seminars.

We ask that individuals requesting sign language interpreters or listening devices make their requests to the Department (510-642-0822) five working days in advance of the event.

Other Seminars of Interest to Economists

Please check times and access requirements with the host department.

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