Curriculum Staff
Enrollment Policies
Click below to jump to a specific section:
- Head GSI
- Applying for a Permission Number
- Phase I Enrollment Restrictions
- Impacted Courses
- Concurrent Enrollment Questions
- Frequently Asked Enrollment Questions
Refer to to check for the latest update of our courses.
Head GSI
The Head GSI for the Department of of Economics is Elena Ojeda. You can email her at is external). If you have a question about enrollment procedures, you should email the Head GSI, rather than the faculty or GSI for the course. They will likely simply forward you onto the Head GSI. While the Head GSI cannot directly alter enrollments, the Head GSI can help answer questions and point students to the correct resource. If you are an exchange student (UCEAP, BISP, Concurrent Enrollment, etc. do not email the Head GSI about your issue; they will simply refer you back to your program).
The Head GSI for the Department is not the same person as the Lead GSI for Econ-1, 2, 100A, 100B, or 140.
Head GSI Office Hours are held through appointment (email for availability). Additional office hours will be held during the first 2 weeks of classes.
Spring 2025 Head GSI Office Hours (use your account to view)(link is external)
Applying for a Permission Number
For students who require an exemption to the waitlist procedure, the Department reserves a small number Permission Numbers (PNs) for seats in some courses for these circumstances. If you would like to apply for one of these seats, submit this Google form(link is external)which will be available during the first week of instruction (beginning at 8AM PST on 01/21/2025). The application will close on 01/27/2025 at 5PM PST. We will not accept late applications.
The Department is very strict about who we give these reserved seats to. The following reasons will not work:
- You would like to take the course
- The course works better for your schedule
- The course is related to your interests, or is required for your employment
- The course is required for graduation or your major, but it would be possible for you to take it in the future
- The course is required for graduation or your major, but it would be possible to fill this requirement with a different course
- You would like to graduate early
- You need credits to graduate, and would like to use this course to fill those credits
- You are an Economics Major (the Major grants you Phase I access, but not waitlist priority; there are many other Economics majors on the waitlist)
All of these reasons are tantamount to simply wanting to take the course--there are other students on the waitlist with similar reasons to take the course. Please note that our seats are reserved in certain sections, so you must make sure that the seat you are applying for works for your schedule.
Phase I Enrollment Restrictions
All upper division economics courses are restricted to declared majors only during Phase I (except ECON 100A/101A/100B/101B/140/141). Undeclared students and students from other majors should put themselves on the waitlist during Phase I. Students will be enrolled on a space available basis during Phase II and the Adjustment Period. We strongly recommend all declared Economics majors officially enroll in their economics courses during Phase I to ensure a seat in their classes. If you do not select economics courses in Phase I, you may not be able to add those courses in Phase II or the Adjustment Period. Having intention, or plans, to declare the major do not grant Phase I access, you must be officially declared an Economics major.
Impacted Courses
Please be aware that some of our courses are very popular and are difficult to get into. Courses that are commonly impacted are Econ- 1, Econ- 2, Econ-100A, Econ- 100B, Econ- 140, Econ-141, Econ-136, and Econ-138. The probability of getting off of the waitlist into these courses is low. We do not expand courses to accommodate more students.
Concurrent Enrollment Questions
If you are a Concurrent Enrollment student with questions, please contact your program coordinator, rather than the Department, faculty, or the Head GSI, with questions. If you are awaiting approval or denial to get into a course, please note that the Department--and not faculty--approves / denies requests through the 4th week of courses, and concurrent enrollment requests are assessed after Berkeley students requests.
Requests to enroll in the FULL & CLOSED course lists will be rejected. DO NOT contact the professors or department staff to appeal for enrollment.
Program Information
1. For students visiting through the BISP program, please consult with Louise Hon, Assistant Director for the Berkeley International Study Program about your course selection. Email:
2. For students visiting through the Berkeley Global Access (BGA) program, please consult with the BGA Student Advisor about your course selection. Email:
3. For students visiting through other Concurrent Enrollment programs, please consult with your specific program coordinator about your course selection. Email:
Frequently Asked Enrollment Questions
- How does the waitlist work with sections?
- What are my chances of getting off the waitlist?
- I'm currently on the waitlist for one section. However, there is another section that has a shorter waitlist. Should I try to enroll in that other section?
- I'm interested in taking [class], but the class is full and there is a waitlist. Is there any way I can take the course?
- Will the course enrollment or waitlist be expanded?
- My waitlist number actually increased!
- It is Phase I and I am on the waitlist for an upper division Economics course because I am undeclared. I have submitted my application to the major and anticipate being declared into the major. Once I'm declared in the major, will I automatically be moved off the waitlist if there is space available in the section I chose?
- Someone with a higher waitlist number than me got into the class, what happened?
- I am a senior / declared major / etc. and I am waitlisted for a course. Is there any priority for me?
Enrollment changes
- I would like to switch to another section.
- I would like to take more than 20.5 units in a semester. How can I get approval?
Miscellaneous enrollment questions
- I have a time conflict with another course. Can you override this or can I switch sections?
- There are seats physically available in the class. Why can't I enroll?
- I'd like the see the course materials. Can you add me to the bCourses roster?
For more questions about enrollment, please visit Berkeley Student Information Systems (SIS) Enrollment FAQ.