Undergraduate Student Organizations

berkeley economic review logo

Berkeley Economic Review (BER)

Berkeley Economic Review is the University of California at Berkeley's premier undergraduate, peer-reviewed, academic economics journal. Founded in 2016, we are a 100% student-run and student-produced nonprofit publication. Our organization exists to provide a forum for students to voice their views on current economic issues and ultimately to foster a community of aspiring economists.

*Check out the BER Spring 2020 issue: Equilibrium -Issue 4 (May 2020). You can also see previous issues here

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UME Logo

Underrepresented Minorities in Economics (UME)

UME wants to foster a community of underrepresented students to take on the issue of diversity directly. We want to boost the presence of Latinx, African American, Native American, and Women in economics, whether in the private sector or academia. Our community will work together to empower each other by providing a safe space to learn economics and a social network to create the best possible opportunities to develop a professional career.

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UEA logo

Undergraduate Economics Association (UEA)

UEA is an Economics Department-sponsored organization dedicated to promoting Economics at Cal. UEA is split up into 2 committees; Professional Affairs Committee, which focuses on professional development, and Academic Affairs Committee, with focuses on current economic research. In addition, we host info sessions with leading companies, professor luncheons, Fed trips, and so much more.

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uweb logo

Undergraduate Women in Economics at Berkeley (UWEB)

Undergraduate Women in Economics at Berkeley is a young organization dedicated to increasing diversity and women representation, and to fostering a sense of community. Our beginning derives from the Undergraduate Women in Economics Challenge posited by Harvard Professor, Claudia Goldin, to increase the representation in Economics. We strive to do our part not only on the UC Berkeley campus but as part of this nationwide community. UWEB strives to be as inclusive as possible, meaning that not only do we accept all majors and genders, but also allow members to join at any point in the semester. Join our membership list by clicking “join” on our organization on Callink and check out our Facebook, Instagram, or website to come to one of our bi-weekly meetings!

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Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE) logo

Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE)

Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world's largest academic honor societies. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics, as well as the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty within Berkeley's Economics department. We are a student group register with the University of California, Berkeley and university chapter of the Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor Society, member of the Association of College Honor Societies.

Graduate Student Organizations

Economists for Equity at Berkeley

Economists for Equity at Berkeley

Our goal is to increase representation in economics by dismantling barriers to participation in our field and confronting bias. We recognize that we operate within a discipline with a long history of systemic exclusion of students and scholars based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other historically oppressed identities. Making economics more inclusive will require breaking down these systems and building new ones that facilitate broader, more diverse, and more equitable scholarship.


Graduate Economics Association

The GEA is a student association that organizes social activities for Economics graduate students. The main events are the skit party and the "Little Big Game" versus Stanford, which is a series of competitions (soccer, touch football, frisbee, and volleyball). The GEA also organizes productivity seminars, social events throughout the year, and a welcome BBQ in the fall for all students. All Economics Graduate students are by default, members of the GEA.