Faculty Fund Management and Reimbursement
Jane Youn (jyoun@berkeley.edu) located in room 547 is the point of contact for all faculty fund requests within the Economics department. This includes fund balances, financial questions, purchasing, and travel and entertainment reimbursement requests.
Reimbursement Requests
Complete appropriate form(s) and provide all documentation provided below prior to submitting your requests. There are a few ways in submitting your requests.
- Send your scanned documents to econreimburse@berkeley.edu
- To utilize the front office, there are bins attached to the side of the mailboxes which holds the three forms listed below. Once forms are completed along with all applicable documentation, place it in a yellow envelop and place in the mailbox labeled “reimbursement-in.” Work-study in the front desk can assist in completing forms.
- You may also stop by the staff’s offices for assistance.
Travel and Entertainment Forms:
a. Domestic Travel Reimbursement Request
b. International Travel Reimbursemnet Request
c. Entertainment Reimbursement Request
d. General Reimbursement Request
Requirements with completed form:
Itinerary for travel reimbursements
List of attendees for entertainment reimbursements
Entertainment requests: Payee must sign as 'host.' If funding source is from a faculty fund, faculty signs under 'fund approval.'
All related receipts along with proof of payment
a. Proof of payment- example: receipt that shows the last 4 digit of the card used, redacted credit card statement, etc…Chart of Account section: note which fund you would like to charge. You are not required to provide your COA, you may simply write the source i.e. start up, retention, endowed chair, etc… If you decide to leave this field blank, we will determine the most appropriate chartstring for you.
For reimbursements that involve foreign currency, a printout of foreign exchange rates from the date of transaction will be required. Currency exchange rates: https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/(link is external).
Please be sure to sign at the bottom of the form.
Link to travel and entertainment reimbursement information: http://travel.berkeley.edu/home.