Quigley, John M.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics (In Memoriam)
Public Economics
Public Economics, public policy, urban economics
Ph.D. Harvard University, 1972
Housing market discrimination and homeownership; municipal bonds; residential energy market
Current Research:
Integration of mortgage and financial markets; urban externalities and spatial economics; intergovernmental fiscal relations
Short Biography

John M. Quigley was the I. Donald Terner Distinguished Professor of Economics. He also held appointments in the Goldman School of Public Policy and the Haas School of Business and was the Director of the Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy. Professor Quigley was a Fellow of the Regional Science Association and the Homer Hoyt Institute. In 2006, he was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. He was the recipient of many scholarly awards, for example, the George Bloom Award for Contributions to Urban Economics.Prior to coming to Berkeley, Professor Quigley taught at Yale University. He holds academic degrees from the U.S. Air Force Academy, the University of Stockholm, and Harvard University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Royal Institute Of Technology.

In Memoriam