During the first two semesters of graduate study, students must take a set of eight core courses to satisfy requirements in mathematics, economic history, economic theory, and econometrics. Descriptions for graduate Economics courses, including the core courses listed below, can be found on the Berkeley Academic Guide.

Mathematics Requirement: Fulfilled by Economics 204 which is a one semester course on mathematical tools in economics. This course assumes the minimum mathematics background described in Preparation.

Economic History Requirement:Fulfilled by Economics 210A which is a one semester survey course on central themes in Economic History.

Economic Theory Requirement: Fulfilled by Economics 201A-B and 202A-B which is a year of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory.

Econometrics Requirement: Fulfilled by Economics 240 A-B, which is a year of econometric theory, methods, and applications.

Standard First Year Program:


  • Econ 201A - Economic Theory - 4 units
  • Econ 202A - Macroeconomic Theory - 4 units
  • Econ 204 - Mathematical Tools for Economics - 3 units
  • Econ 240A - Econometrics - 5 units
  • Econ 295 Survey Seminar - Survey of Research in Economics - 1 unit


  • Econ 201B - Economic Theory - 4 units
  • Econ 202B - Macroeconomic Theory - 4 units
  • Econ 210A - Introduction to Economic History - 3 units
  • Econ 240B - Econometrics - 5 units
  • Econ 295 Survey Seminar - Survey of Research in Economics - 1 unit


Exemptions from Course Requirements: Students with strong backgrounds in math and economics who have completed the equivalent of the coursework outlined above may be exempted from some or all of the first year course requirements. To qualify for an exemption, admitted students must provide documentation of coursework completed and grade received. Students excused from any or all of the required theory courses may be required to take advanced theory courses to supplement previous training. All exemptions from first year course work must be approved by both the course instructor and the Graduate Committee Chair/Head Graduate Adviser.