Economics 197 - Academic Internship Credit

Declared Economics majors who are pursuing an internship that relates to their studies in the Department of Economics may earn academic credit.  To earn credit, students are required to complete the application below and turn it in to the Economics Undergraduate Advising Office before the deadline.  ECON 197 is a variable unit class, units are based on the number of hours necessary to complete the work assigned.

A minimum of three hours per week of internship work is required for each unit of credit. Students can earn 1, 2, or 3 units of credit in a term. 

To enroll in ECON 197, you must meet ALL the follow requirements:

  • Declared in the Economics major or have a reserved spot in the major (Applied HD Economics)
  • Have at least a 2.0 GPA overall and in upper division major courses
  • Have an internship that can be demonstrably related to the Economics major. Internships that have no connection to economics will not be approved. 

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS interested in obtaining their CPT can use ECON 197 to earn the required credit needed.  Please email, or make an appointment, with an economics advisor to discuss your requirements. Approval for Econ 197 is required for advisor signature on CPT form.

To apply for ECON 197, please click on the link below to access the application. Complete the form and your two-page proposal.  Deadline for submitting the paperwork for Econ 197 in Fall and Spring is the end of the third week of classes.  For summer, the deadline is the end of June.

The summer 2025 application deadline is June 30th, 2025 at 4pm. No late applications will be accepted.

Applications are subject to approval by the Economics Department Undergraduate Committee. Applicants can expect to receive a response within up to five (5) business days. All units are P/NP.  This course cannot be used to fulfill an elective requirement for the major. 

ECON 197 Application

After completing application, please submit here.

Summer application now available.  Late applications will not be accepted.

The spring application will be available starting in November.

Economics 199 - Independent Study in Research

ECON 199 is an independent study course for student engaged in research with a Economics faculty member.   Econ 199 is a variable unit class, units are based on the number of hours necessary to complete the work assigned.

To enroll in ECON 199, you must obtain permission from the instructor.

ECON 199 is not appropriate for international students in the Economics major who need units to qualify for their CPT.  All units are P/NP.  This course cannot be used to fulfill an elective requirement for the major. Please obtain an faculty signature before submitting your application.  

Deadline for submitting the ECON 199 paperwork for Fall and Spring is the end of the third week of classes.  For summer, the deadline is the end of the first week of session C.

ECON 199 Application. After completing application, please email your application to