Introducinng the Berkeley Economics Speakers Series
The Berkeley Economics Speakers Series is your opportunity to engage with and learn from world-leading experts in the fields of taxes and spending, labor markets, corporate finance, behavioral economics, inequality, development economics, and international policy, while giving back to UC Berkeley.
Join fellow members of the Charter Hill Society for Economics and gain exclusive access to in-person lectures (with a streaming option). Stay after the lecture to network and keep in touch with fellow alumni over a catered reception.
To become a Charter Hill Society member and gain access to our speakers series, make a three-year annual commitment of $1,000 or more to the Economics Department. All faculty speakers’ participation is pro bono so that your gift goes 100% to support the economics department.
An evening in honor of William Dudley (by invitation only)
October 7, 2019
Join us in New York City for a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear the current President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York John Williams ‘84 in discussion with past NY Fed President and CEO William Dudley ‘80. President Dudley will be presented with the Campanile Alumni Service Award. To learn more, email Christian Gordon.
Fiscal Space and the Aftermath of Financial Crises: How It Matters and Why (invite only)
May 2019
Lecture and Q&A with incoming department chair David Romer at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for Cal alumni at the SF Fed.
Charter Hill Society for Economics (CHSE) Happy Hour in NYC (by invitation only)
June 24, 2019
Join us for a fun gathering and meet new and current members of CHSE. We’ll be joined by the Berkeley Economics Benjamin N. Ward Professor of Economics Shachar Kariv. To learn more, email Christian Gordon.
Cal Day Economics Faculty Spotlight: Globalization, Taxes, and Inequality with Gabriel Zucman
April 13, 2019
Globalization has opened new opportunities for tax avoidance and tax evasion. This talk presents the empirical evidence about corporate profit-shifting to tax havens, wealth concealment by rich individuals, and their implications for inequality. It also discusses potential solutions to these problems. Contrary to a widely held view, it is possible to combine tax justice and openness.
Free Choice in a Complex World: Behavioral Economics and Health Insurance Markets
April 1, 2019
Berkeley Economics professor Ben Handel discusses the challenges that consumers face in making health insurance choices and in utilizing the insurance they choose, and looks at the impact of cornerstone health policies such as the Affordable Care Act and Medicare on health insurance choices and utilization.
An evening with Maury Obstfeld
February 27, 2019
A conversation with Professor Maury Obstfeld, former Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund, and Nick Sargen. Senior Economic Advisor at Fort Washington Investment.
The American Economic Association (AEA) 2019 Annual Meeting
January 4-6, 2018
Come to Atlanta to see old friends and meet our faculty. More information available on the AEA website.
Inequality in Life and Death: Policy and Prospect
November 29, 2018
Berkeley Economics Chair Prof. Alan Auerbach and other international experts on the Berkeley faculty present at this event, with a keynote by Peter Orszag, Vice Chairman of Investment Banking and Global Co-Head of Healthcare at Lazard, former director of the Office of Management and Budget under the Obama Administration.