Job Market-September

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  August 22 DEADLINE to contact faculty to request letters of recommendation.

August 27


597 Evans

All students planning to be on the Job Market must attend this meeting. Students interested in learning more about the placement process are also welcome to attend.


  Early September

HOTEL RESERVATIONS for AEA meetings in January: If you decide to reserve a hotel room in San Francisco, CA for the meetings, make your reservations as soon as the information becomes available on the AEA website.  Competition for rooms in the best-located hotels will be very intense. (MIGHT BE IRRELEVANT SINCE THE MEETING IS LOCAL this year).

  September 6

DEADLINE to give final notice of intent to be on the job market.

  September 6 DEADLINE to turn in following forms to Janene;
  • Supervisor Permission Slip
  • Candidate Permission Slip
  • Copies of Letter of Recommendation Form submitted to each of your recommenders
  • Reference Summary Form
  • Copy of GSI Awards (if applicable)


----------------------- Not submitted to google form -----------------------

  • Make sure you've emailed a first draft of your Curriculum Vitae (in MS Word) to Placement Chair and Coordinator to receive their feedback
  • One copy of UCB graduate transcript (order from the Registrar’s office and have them mailed to you - DO NOT OPEN THE ENVELOPE - KEEP IT SEALED.) Do not send it to the Placement Office. Hold on to this in case any employers require it. 
  • Copy of summary sheet from Teaching Evaluations for each course you have GSI'ed. Also hold on to this and share with Janene if any employers request it. 

September 12   


639 Evans

PLACEMENT MEETING: Submitting your application packets.



September 13

DEADLINE to meet with Placement Chair to discuss draft of job market paper and first draft of CV.