Job Market-November to December

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Early November SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: Your applications (based on JOE listings) should be submitted,
ideally, on November 1. Note that letter of recommendation submissions will be completed based upon
faculty submission to the Placement Office.

December 3rd


560 Evans

PLACEMENT MEETING: Interviews and Fly-Backs


December SCHEDULE INTERVIEWS: Most students should accept all interviews offered. The ideal number is12-20. You can go above 20 if you are able to schedule many of them in early January. If you reach 12 interviews early in the process, discuss strategy for accepting additional interviews with the Placement Chair. It is fine to politely decline an interview if your schedule is full, but there is no polite way to cancel an interview once you have scheduled it. Allow sufficient time between interviews: the minimum is 15 minutes if they are in the same hotel, longer if you must travel from one hotel to another.
Late November -  Early December  MOCK INTERVIEWS
Late December Deadline to enter AEA interview schedule onto online scheduling system.